Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
DSC is an electronic signature that authenticates the user’s approval to any digital form submission. In India, the Controller of the certifying authority has approved a few tokens to store digital signature certificates. Epass is one such token that is used to store Digital Signatures. Also, to get a valid digital signature, the user must complete his video verification. However, there are a few options to get DSC without a video verification.
Video Verification
video verification is a process in which DSC applicant confirms his consent to apply for DSC. This means he/she must pass a verification process. During video verification, users are asked to read some code and answer a few questions. Sometimes they need to display some documents to confirm their authenticity. While the process is beneficial for the user, the process is very tedious.
DSC Without Video Verification
DSC Without Video Verification is a process where we bypass the video requirement to get a Digital Signature. Yes, it is possible to get your DSC without a video verification with some limited conditions. However, only individual applicants can apply in this process. No organisation user is allowed to get this type of DSC.
Alternative verification methods are used to check the authenticity of users’ consent like Aadhaar verification or any other verification method recommended by certifying authorities. The ultimate aim is to confirm user’s consent to apply DSC without recording any video and answering ridiculous questions.
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